Regional Navigator Program
We stand for navigating a path towards safety and strength.
In cases of sex trafficking, the initial rescue is often what gets the most consideration. But what happens beyond this crucial first step? How might these individuals break free from the abuse cycle and live a life rooted in strength and wellness?
Our Regional Navigator Program for Anne Arundel County is specially designed to meet the needs of youth and young adult survivors of sex trafficking.
Through a single point of contact service coordination model, we provide access to coordinated, trauma-responsive services as well as culturally competent, comprehensive, and holistic trauma treatment.
Refer a Child »Who is eligible?
The Regional Navigator Program serves Anne Arundel County youth and young adults aged 24 and younger who are suspected or confirmed survivors of sex trafficking.
Services Available
- Intensive care coordination
- 24-hour crisis response and safety planning
- Evidence-based and research-supported interventions
- Victim advocacy
- Provision of basic need supplies
- Individual, family, and group therapy with trauma certified therapist *
- Co-occurring substance use treatment *
- Psychiatric care *
- Connection to holistic therapies, life skills training, recreational activities, legal advocacy, spiritual needs, etc.
- Interpretation and translation services
- Community training and education
* Services provided through the Everstand Outpatient Mental Health Clinic
Survivor Safety and Strength
Our Regional Navigator program will guide youth to achieve personal empowerment through a strengths-based approach, connecting survivors to basic care needs, trauma treatment services, and a variety of wellness activities.
Creating a Safer Future for our Community
We’re working with partners and community stakeholders to assess and improve current screening efforts, promote awareness, increase early identification of child sex trafficking victims and identify gaps in services and the need for regional expansion in order to better meet the needs of Maryland’s youth.