Our Commitment to EDI

Our Commitment to EDI

Everstand is committed to honoring differences, acknowledging uniqueness, and amplifying all voices.

A culture of inclusivity empowers individuals at every level to enrich communities, one family at a time.

Our Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion statement demonstrates our commitment to building an inclusive, varied workplace welcoming people of all backgrounds. Much like our purpose and core values, the diversity and inclusion statement is more than just a marketing exercise. It guides our hiring, employee benefits, customer service and workplace culture.

Purpose & Core Values »

The Compass Blog

In 2020, we launched the Compass blog. We wanted a transparent way to share with our staff and external community how our critical conversations and initiatives were going.

The blog also shares the progress of our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee – a forum that generates problem-solving and new ways to foster recovering and healing at Everstand. The EDI Committee is part of Everstand’s “Culture Club,” a group of five committees representing the elements of a trauma-informed organization.

Culture Club, in addition to the EDI committee, includes our Risk, Safety and Quality Assurance, Leadership, Collaborative Problem Solving, Senior Leadership Team, and Wellness committees. These committees drive the personality and character of Everstand’s workplace culture.


Compass Blog »

It’s time to care for and listen to one another, and it’s time to create intentional spaces around the role and sources of systemic racism in our own Everstand community, our neighborhoods, states, regions, and our country.

We will stumble and make mistakes on this journey. No doubt, we won’t get it right each time. But we will learn and grow from our mistakes. Together, we can face racism and injustices to create a more equitable, diverse, and inclusive Everstand community.