Caminos® Program: Providing Safe, Supportive Spaces for Recently Migrated Youth

The Caminos® program provides safe, secure placement options for children who have recently migrated to the United States and are seeking opportunities for reunification with family, as well as the chance to pursue their education and legal immigration cases.

  • Short-Term Shelter Care
  • Long-Term Foster Care
  • Home Study/Post Release Services

According to the US Customs and Border Patrol, the agency encountered more than 152,000 unaccompanied minors at the southern US border in fiscal vear 2022 (FY2022), an all-time high. These children travel to the US, seeking a safer future, away from the violence, economic instability, environmental challenges, and other hardships they face in their home countries. Upon their arrival. there are few resources available that would give them the support and guidance they needed to reunite with family and integrate into American society. Everstand saw an opportunity to respond to the needs in the communities that we serve – places rich with diversity supported by immigrant and recently migrated populations- and the Caminos® Program was born.

“I am thrilled that as an organization, we stepped into that space to provide those services. And [we] did it not knowing how much of a need would come over the decade. We have now been serving the population: there was a tremendous need in 2014 and that need has only multiplied over the past 9 or 10 years” said Kelly Berger the Executive Director of Caminos® Programs.

Unfortunately, the need for such a program continues to grow as children flee their countries, driven by fear and the inability to feel safe.

The Caminos® Program provides short-term shelter care, long-term foster care, and home study/post-release services, designed to facilitate safe, secure placement options for children who have recently migrated to the United States and are seeking opportunities for reunification with family, as well as the chance to pursue their education and legal immigration cases. One of the most important aspects of the program is consistency and the relationship and trust that Caminos® Program staff can develop with the children in the program’s care.

Beyond providing these children with a place to live, the Caminos® Program is designed to ensure that recently migrated youth can acclimate to the cultural differences of the United States. “I think the greatest need is really acclimating them into society in the United States. I think many times, cultural differences would entail language barriers, how we celebrate holidays, our verbal and nonverbal gestures, and communication skills. I think, while respecting where these youth come from it’s also very important to teach them what could be respectful or disrespectful in the United States, said Jordan Jones, Program Director for Caminos West (Pennsylvania and West Virginia).

As Jordan recounted, much of the program staff are either immigrants or first-generation Americans themselves, so they are all extremely committed to the mission. As a child, Yefri Moya Gamez, a Case Aide on the Case Management team for the Everstand Baltimore Shelter program, immigrated to the US alone. “When I first applied for this [role with Everstand], I had already been through what the kids are going through right now. So, I’m driven just to try to help and share my experience with the youth. I explain to them if they stay focused in school and you learn English, they will do something here and have more opportunities here than back in our countries. So that motivated me to work here” explained Yefri.

With everything that the Caminos® Program does, it is designed to ensure that these children do not feel alone “It’s a care plan to help them. It’s not like we’re just getting them in and we’re just reuniting them but they have a plan, not just for reunification, but we’re setting them up for success – whether it is with the sponsor, making sure that the home is safe, making sure that the home is appropriate, or making sure that they have access to transportation and school. We’re not just shell-shocking them but taking them along the journey. They’re never blindsided; we don’t keep anything from them, but we very therapeuticallv aproach them in their situation.” said Sharnett Kelly, Program Director, Caminos® (Maryland).

The Caminos® Program also offers unique services to the children it serves “We also have two therapists in-house, which is my first experience working in a program where we actually provide [therapy] to our clients in the community, which is amazing. These kids get therapy once a week-in their house or at Starbucks or on a basketball court – just to process the trauma and the violence that made them leave their countries. It’s called peri-migration trauma.” explained Michael Lynch, the Assistant Program Director for Caminos® Home Study/Post-Release Services.

Ultimately, the Caminos® Program is not just about providing recently migrated youth with a place to stay but placing them in a supportive, compassionate environment that can enable them to thrive despite the trauma and hardships they have faced. Everstand scales this work through the Caminos Nacional program, which utilizes the skills developed by Everstand in delivering the program and extends its reach by providing guidance, consultation, and grant management to accredited partner organizations so that they may also offer the Caminos service to these at-risk children.

“I think that a huge goal, for me, would be to establish ourselves as a stronger federal partner outside of just the Subgrantee relationship. I think we have the capacity to provide technical assistance at a national level on standards for training in this type of programming, especially in some of the areas that we already operate in, and balancing state licensing regulations. So, I think that there’s an opportunity to create an Everstand Caminos® online resource center or technical assistance platform that could be branded for Caminos® and used outside of our network to further increase our impact” concluded Emily Claure, the Program Director for Caminos® Nacional.

Read more from Caminos® Program: Providing Safe, Supportive Spaces for Recently Migrated Youth

Influential Female Social Workers

The Compass – March 2024


In the United States, March is recognized as Women’s History Month. March also happens to be Social Work Month! Luckily, at Everstand, we have many influential and impactful women who are also social workers. This month and next month we will celebrate our Social Workers and Clinicians and all the work that they do for our communities.

Social work is not easy; it requires empathy, compassion, skill in active listening and communication, cultural competence, patience, flexibility, and the ability to advocate for clients. Social work requires a heart of gold, and we are lucky to have so many incredible social workers at Everstand!

What exactly do social workers do, and how do they strengthen communities?

Social workers are at the front lines, addressing issues such as mental health care, economic insecurities, inequalities, protecting the vulnerable and so much more!

At Everstand, our Social Workers do so many amazing things for our youth, including:

  • Equip families with the proper tools to be successful through challenges and build resiliency for the future.
  • Connect children with families and resources.
  • Counsel kids going through difficult situations and help them build skills and independence.
  • Advocate in the community for vulnerable children.


The Most Influential Female Social Workers in History

Mother Teresa

For a lot of people, the first name that comes to mind when discussing female social workers is Mother Teresa. She was born in Macedonia during the year 1910 and, after spending around three decades in Yugoslavia, she shifted to India.

Mother Teresa dedicated her whole life pursuing social causes and one of her most standout efforts is the Missionaries of Charity. This is a Catholic congregation, operational in over 130 countries, and runs hospices and homes for people suffering from HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, and leprosy. They also run dispensaries, clinics, orphanages, soup kitchens, schools, and counseling programs for families and children.

As a result of her untiring efforts to help the helpless, Mother Teresa was awarded the Noble Peace Prize award in 1979.

Frances Feldman

A professor in the University of South Carolina, Frances Feldman’s groundbreaking research in the 1970s helped shed light on workplace discrimination against cancer patients. Her research revealed novel evidence that co-workers and employers often placed harsh (if not illegal) conditions on any cancer survivors within their organization. As a result of Feldman’s study, several states throughout the US made changes to the fair employment legislation.

For over five decades, Frances Feldman explored the psychological and social meanings behind life and work. She also developed the very first staff and faculty counseling center at the USC – a center that serves at the blueprint for the USA’s employee assistance schemes and programs.

Jane Addams

Jane Addams was the woman responsible for the creation of the Chicago settlement houses, considered to be the very first in the world. Addams studied and understood the poverty issues rampant in Chicago, and, as a result, established the House Services in the city. This Service included a library and gymnasium, and even conducted educational classes for both adults and children.

Jane Addams established the Philanthropy and Civics school in Chicago and was also elected the first women president for the National Conference of Charities and Corrections. Her social work and contributions led her to win a Noble Peace Prize Award in 1931.



Social workers continue to inspire and create change within our communities. Our very own CEO, Laurie Anne “LA” Spagnola is a Social Worker. Let’s continue to celebrate our Social Workers and the impactful work they continue to for our communities and our kids!


Rev. Amor Del Rosario
Director of Spiritual Life, Everstand

Read more from Influential Female Social Workers

40 Days of Positivity 2024 Calendar

Join Everstand on this year’s journey towards 40 days of positivity!

To encourage our team and community to strive for positivity, we developed an activity calendar with 40 days of prompts modeled around the core values of Everstand. Together, we will once again make a commitment this year to practice positivity and be kind to others—as well as ourselves.

Similar to last year, we are also facilitating an Imago Dei Lenten Bible Study. A five-week study written in the style of Lectio Divina—a four-step process where the community comes together to read, meditate, pray, and contemplate—our goal is to celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion through the lens of the Holy Spirit.

To help in this endeavor, we have developed a 40 day calendar with prompts for thoughts and actions modeled around the core values of Everstand. We encourage everyone to participate in this as a joint effort for team members, residents, and our surrounding communities.

Ready to get started? Download these resources:

View Calendar Ver Calendario

Read more from 40 Days of Positivity 2024 Calendar

Celebrating Black History Month

The Compass – Feb 2024


Black History Month, celebrated annually in February, is a time dedicated to celebrating the rich heritage, achievements, and resilience of Black people. While we reflect on the numerous contributions of Black individuals to society, it’s also crucial to address the challenges and disparities they face, particularly in the realm of mental and behavioral health.

The profound influence of historical trauma, systemic oppression, and social determinants of health within the Black community cannot be emphasized enough. These factors often exacerbate mental health issues, leading to higher rates of depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other conditions. Despite these challenges, there is a spirit of resilience and strength that continues to thrive within the community.

One area where the intersection of Black history and mental health is keenly felt is within the foster care system. For many Black children and adolescents, this system becomes a lifeline, offering support and guidance during times of crisis. However, it also highlights the systemic issues that disproportionately affect Black families, including poverty, inadequate access to healthcare, and overrepresentation in the child welfare system.

Throughout our programs, the importance of culturally competent care cannot be overstated. It’s essential to recognize and affirm the unique experiences and identities of Black youth, providing them with a safe and supportive environment where they can heal and thrive. This includes incorporating culturally relevant therapeutic approaches, acknowledging the impact of racism and discrimination on mental health, and fostering connections with positive role models within the community.

At Everstand, we are committed to addressing the needs of Black children and families with compassion and empathy. Through our culturally responsive programs and services, we strive to empower individuals to overcome adversity, build resilience, and create brighter futures. We recognize that healing is not a one-size-fits-all journey and are dedicated to providing personalized care that meets the unique needs of each individual we serve.

As we reflect on Black History Month and honor the legacies of those who have paved the way, let us also recommit ourselves to creating a future where disparities are eliminated, and every individual has the opportunity to thrive. Together, we can build a more inclusive and equitable society where all voices are heard, valued, and uplifted.

In closing, let us remember the words of Maya Angelou:

“History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again.” May we face the challenges ahead with courage and compassion, knowing that through unity and understanding, we can create positive change for generations to come.


Rev. Amor Del Rosario
Director of Spiritual Life, Everstand

Read more from Celebrating Black History Month

Human Trafficking and Difficult Conversations

The Compass – Jan 2024


When you’re talking about something uncomfortable, you can often feel the discomfort present in the room. Human Trafficking as a subject is no exception, especially when one considers needing to navigate this conversation with young people who may have no idea they may be vulnerable but must be taught what the warning signals are just in case.

Through Everstand’s Regional Navigator Program, we are engaging with our community to bring awareness. This year, as part of Human Trafficking Awareness month, Everstand will be participating with the Anne Arundel County Human Trafficking Awareness Red Sand event and presenting about the work we do to combat trafficking and help survivors and suspected survivors of human trafficking.

Our CEO, LA Spagnola, recently gave a webinar to Pennsylvania State University attendees about human trafficking awareness and how Everstand’s therapists and care team help program participants move forward in their lives from the trauma they experienced from trafficking.

Everstand sent out information to its staff during Human Trafficking Month so that we can educate and make our talent aware of the signs of trafficking. Here is what was shared:

Highlights of some of Everstand’s important work to combat human trafficking and empower survivors:

  • Everstand’s Regional Navigator Program (RNP) has provided community-based support to survivors of human trafficking in Anne Arundel County, Maryland since 2021.
  • Our RNP is kicking off 2024 with exciting growth: our staff will double thanks to expanded funding!  This comes as Maryland has recently expanded Regional Navigator Programs to now cover 22 of 24 jurisdictions in the state.
  • Everstand’s Lotus Program has provided specialized residential care in Maryland for female survivors and suspected survivors of sex trafficking since 2018.
  • The Lotus Program gained national recognition in 2023 at the Association of Children’s Residential & Community Services (ACRC) Annual Conference in Minneapolis. Some of Everstand’s directors presented on their application of harm reduction concepts in residential care for survivors of sex trafficking.
  • In 2023, Everstand worked to help pass legislation in Maryland that protects the rights of survivors via the Safe Harbor Act and secures ongoing funding for victim services programs. In Maryland’s 2024 legislative session, Everstand plans to support the efforts of the Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force to pass new legislation to codify protections for labor trafficking survivors and expand the impact of Regional Navigator Programs statewide.

Many thanks to our Lotus and RNP teams for the impact they have on our youth, families, and communities each and every day! Throughout this month Everstand will be promoting human trafficking awareness via our social media platforms – please follow and share to help spread the word.

Here are links to statewide efforts to combat human trafficking in our primary service areas:

What can others do to help? Start with not being afraid to talk about the hard stuff.


Rev. Amor Del Rosario
Director of Spiritual Life, Everstand
Read more from Human Trafficking and Difficult Conversations

National Human Trafficking Prevention Month: AACHTC Red Sand Project Event

In conjunction with National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Everstand invites you to join the Anne Arundel County Human Trafficking Collaborative and Park Books’ powerful, eye-catching Red Sand Project Event. This interactive installation and gathering aims to raise awareness and spark conversation about the hidden crime of human trafficking not only internationally, but within the community of Anne Arundel County. Everstand is proud to be the sponsor of this event!

Turning the Tide with Awareness

On January 18, 2024, at 12:00 pm (rain or shine), participants will gather at Park Books’ Community Space (2nd Floor) at 555 Baltimore Annapolis Boulevard, Severna Park, MD, 21146. The event will begin with a brief presentation from community partners in the fight against human trafficking:

  • Lauren Alexander-Binns, PMP, PI, Chair of the Anne Arundel County Human Trafficking Collaborative Public Awareness Subcommittee, Founder of HALT, and Physical Security Analyst, E-ISAC
  • Alexandria Garcia-Rodriguez Clay, Vice-Chair of the Anne Arundel County Human Trafficking Collaborative Public Awareness Subcommittee and Family Navigator for the Anne Arundel County Partnership
  • Caryl Ralph, Coordinator with the Anne Arundel Co. Department of Social Service Child Advocacy Center
  • Jasmine Mayo, Anne Arundel County Regional Navigator Supervisor with Everstand

Following the presentation, the community will unite in a symbolic act of solidarity. Together, we will pour red sand into cracks and crevices, which represents the hidden nature of human trafficking and the vulnerabilities that make individuals susceptible. This impactful visual will serve as a reminder that the fight against modern-day slavery requires the vigilance and support of everyone.

“In the campaign against human trafficking, awareness and advocacy is the shield that prevents victims from slipping through the cracks of exploitation. Addressing modern-day slavery, is no small feat, but by igniting a collective call to action within our community, we can strive to be the light casting out the darkness of an epidemic that knows no societal bounds,” states the chairwoman of Anne Arundel County Hun1an Trafficking Collaborative’s Public Awareness Subcommittee, Lauren Alexander Binns. “The Red Sand Project offers a visually striking way to educate our community, highlight the warning signs, and empower individuals to take action and stand against this grave injustice.”

Joining the Movement

The Anne Arundel County Human Trafficking Collaborative is committed to raising awareness and building a network of community partners to combat human trafficking. This event serves as a vital step in that direction, encouraging open dialogue and inspiring concrete action.

We encourage everyone in Anne Arundel County to join us for this impactful event. Learn about the realities of human trafficking, connect with resources, and become a part of the solution. Please RSVP to by January 15, 2024 or visit the link for more details. Together, we can create a community where all individuals are valued and protected. Let’s make Anne Arundel County a beacon of hope in the fight against human trafficking.

Read more from National Human Trafficking Prevention Month: AACHTC Red Sand Project Event

Choose Kindness

The BCC Compass – Dec 2023


If I tell you that you can change the world, would you believe me? Believe it. It’s simple but can be a challenge: it’s to choose kindness.

As the Director of Spiritual Life, I’ve challenged everyone at BCC to perform Random Acts of Kindness during the next 30 days. Intentional kindness is not only good for the spirit of the one receiving the act, but also the one performing it.

Care to join us? (the list is below)

We encourage everyone at BCC to live with Joy and Purpose. Having a purpose is the essence of humanity and it is the idea and belief that we are part of something greater than ourselves. This can manifest in many ways big and small.  Just like you’ll see on the challenge list!

BCC is fortunate to have people from so many different traditions. We encourage and support everyone to live out their faith and purpose. During the Holiday season, I host an open chapel where we share holiday traditions, learn about one another’s tradition, and enjoy some festive desserts.

Challenging you to choose kindness during this holiday season – and always!  Can’t wait to check as many of these challenges off my list and I hope you do the same!


Rev. Amor Del Rosario
Director of Spiritual Life, BCC Baltimore


BCC Holiday Kindness Challenge

  1. Donate to a food bank
    It’s not always easy to put food on the table. In fact, many families struggle. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, 10.2% of households were food insecure in 2021 — roughly 13.5 million people. Consider donating non-perishable items to your local food bank. Or, if you can, think about making a monetary donation to help fight hunger and erase food insecurity.
  1. Leave one-dollar bills around the dollar store (especially in the toy section)
    How fun would it be to see the look on people’s faces when they discover that it seems like dollars are growing at the “dollar tree”.
  1. Send a handwritten letter
    Text messages and emails may be fast and easy, but they lack a personal touch. But receiving a handwritten letter in the mail? That’s priceless. Take the time to write out a thoughtful message to a friend or family member. You’ll be surprised how much they appreciate the effort put into it — and who knows? They just might write you back!
  1. Volunteer your time
    Sometimes the most valuable present of all is the gift of time. Your presence, whether it be with loved ones or someone in need, can go a long way toward making a tangible impact on someone’s life. Consider volunteering a few hours of your time at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter.
  1. Shovel snow for a neighbor
    You may not realize it, but even the smallest favors could make a big difference. Shoveling snow, for instance, is an important household chore in the winter months, but not necessarily an easy one for elderly or disabled people. Taking that burden off their shoulders is a good deed they’re sure to appreciate.
  1. Shop at local businesses
    It’s important to support small businesses, especially now that over half of consumer shopping budgets are spent online. Being the season of giving, the holidays are essential to independent stores’ overall financial well-being. Choosing to shop locally can help small businesses survive well into the future.
  1. Participate in a toy or clothing drive
    Not every child is fortunate enough to receive presents during the holiday season. And, by the same token, many people go cold during the winter chill. Fortunately, you can lend a helping hand by donating gently used toys and clothes to organizations that support these worthy causes.
  1. Make care packages for your members of the Armed Forces serving overseas
    Beef Jerky, Pringles, pillow cases, Old Bay, toiletries, are always appreciated by those who are unable to be home for the holidays.
  1. Tape spare change to a vending machine
    Imagine the disappointment you’d feel if you went to grab a snack from the vending machine only to find yourself a few nickels short of your favorite go-to treat. Luckily, you have the power to make sure that doesn’t happen. Taping change to the machine may not satisfy your hunger, but it’ll certainly bring a smile to a stranger’s face in their time of need.
  1. Hand out compliment cards
    Compliments are a great way to spread the holiday cheer, even to people you don’t know. Write down heartfelt affirmations on a notecard, then hand them out to friends, coworkers and strangers you encounter. A few words here and there could really uplift someone’s spirits.
  1. Pick up litter alongside your street
    Did you know there are nearly 50 billion pieces of litter on U.S. roadways and waterways? Unfortunately, it’s true — but, the good news is you can do something about it. Join the effort by walking your neighborhood streets and picking up litter as you go.
  1. Let someone cut you in line
    The holidays are a busy time of year, especially when you’re out shopping. Next time you’re in a store, practice patience and courtesy by allowing someone to cut ahead of you in line, especially if they have fewer items than you. Although it’s a small gesture, you never know what it might mean to someone else.
  1. Go caroling with your neighbors
    Caroling is a staple holiday pastime. Not only is it a fun and happy experience, but it’s also a chance to spread joy across your community. So, gather up your family, friends and neighbors to sing a few happy songs for those who could use it, such as people in nursing homes or hospitals.
  1. Bake cookies for coworkers
    Help your colleagues get in on the holiday spirit by baking them a tray of festive treats. Chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, sugar cookies — whatever the choice, they’re sure to appreciate the effort. Plus, sweets are a great way to make your workplace a warmer and friendlier environment.
  1. Donate to charity
    Consider making a charitable donation to a good cause. Do your due diligence and research a charity close to your heart. Your contribution, no matter how big or small, will make a world of difference during the holiday season. Donating doesn’t always mean monetary, consider donating your time.
  1. Tape Microwave Popcorn to a Red Box
    Complete someone’s movie night with popcorn.
  1. Provide a generous tip
    Working in the food industry is hard work! Give an unexpected blessing to your server to show your appreciation.
  1. Leave a bouquet of flowers on a stranger’s car, desk, porch, or just give it to them as you walk by them on the street.
  1. Smile at 5 strangers in one day
    Dolly Parton said, “If you see someone without a smile, give ‘em yours!”
  1. Put together Blessing Bags and keep them in your Car.
    Hand them out when you encounter someone who might need them. click here to access the Picnic Project for some ideas
  1. Put Money in the Salvation Army bucket
  1. Bring treats to your local fire department or the night shift at the local hospital.
    Our front line workers do not get much time off. Brighten their day with a treat. The night shift gets forgotten at times.
  1. Pass out bottles of water
  1. Donate food, blankets, toys to your local animal shelter. If you can, volunteer to walk and pet the animals up for adoption.
    So many animals need human connection and love in order to be adoptable. Consider providing some food and “practice” for these animals as they wait for their “fur-ever” home.
  1. Carry $5 gift cards to a coffee shop or food establishment you frequent.
    Rather than paying for the person in behind you in line, turn around and give it to them or give it to someone walking through the door as you leave. Your barista will thank you.

These are just some ideas to get you going. I hope you take some time to bring some kindness to those around you, especially complete strangers, you never know just how far your act of kindness could spread!

Happy Holidays!

Read more from Choose Kindness

Won’t you be my neighbor?

The BCC Compass – Nov 2023


One of my favorite theologians is Rev. Fred Rogers, aka Mr. Rogers of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” An ordained Presbyterian Minister, the impact of his teachings has crossed many generations.

I recently shared one of his quotes with a group of our senior leaders during our centering moment:

“It’s no secret that I like to get to know people–and not just the outside stuff of their lives. I like to try to understand the meaning of who people are and what they’re saying to me.”

As I offered a reflection, I mentioned that it takes time and intention to get to know your neighbor. If we really want to know who our neighbor is, we must be intentional with the methods to get to know them. Approaching with an open mind, rather than a bias or prejudgment, is an ideal way to meet with your neighbor.

During this same meeting, Ruth Wong De Balderas and Sharnett Kelly, leaders in our Baltimore Caminos Program, shared their experience of a cultural immersion trip with the Baltimore Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church to the Mexico and California border. The group traveled to the area where those seeking asylum were detained, then released. The purpose of this trip was to invite people to experience what the migrants to this country have experienced. The group was able to interact with other organizations providing services to the migrant community.

One of our core values at BCC is empathy. Empathy is allowing yourself to experience what others may be going through, and through empathy we can develop compassion. Sharnett and Ruth both expressed the importance of understanding and experiencing what the kids they care for have gone through. It allows them to be better caretakers and gives them a deeper understanding of how to provide for these children.

Our BCC neighborhood encourages others to get to know their neighbors. When we know who our neighbors are, it makes it less difficult for us to care for and understand them. Many conflicts and animosity can be avoided if we get the chance to know our neighbor.
Immigration is a hot button topic and people have passionate opinions on both sides of the issue. One of the stories that I like to share is about one of my military colleagues who was present during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. As the planes filled up, commanders noticed that children were being left with Soldiers or being tossed over the walls in desperation. Leadership said “Chaplain, we need an orphanage.” The chaplains present there established an orphanage where they ensured the safety of the children. She cataloged more than 300 kids, and they all were flown back to the states. She did not know what happened to those children after they left Afghanistan.

A year later, I met with her and she told me that story. I looked at her and told her that some of those kids ended up at the Board of Child Care and they were safe and being loved here in the United States. It brought a sense of relief and closure to her.

Stop and get to know your neighbor’s story. You never know who might be in the neighborhood.


Rev. Amor Del Rosario
Director of Spiritual Life, BCC Baltimore
Read more from Won’t you be my neighbor?

Board of Child Care All Staff 8-23-2023 Core Value Award Winners

It is my pleasure once again to announce the winners of our Core Value Awards.

For those staff who may be new to BCC, each winner receives a framed certificate and a $50 gift card. All nominators will be entered into a drawing to win a $50 gift card.

Take a moment between now and our next All Staff meeting to share something great you observed about one of your teammates. You can even do it right from your phone!

Diana T —Safety
Health & Wellness Coordinator, PA

Here is what her nomination said:

“Diana Thomas has been extremely welcoming to new summer staff; friendly and helpful in many ways.  She took time out of her day to help new hires (who were unable to attend original training) get CPR training completed to help accomplish our goal to be in ratio with the youth as soon as possible.

She always stopped in to ask if we needed anything and provided hot spots when the internet would not cooperate."

Thank you, Diana, and congratulations!

Hannah M—Relationships
Medical Coordinator, Caminos Baltimore

Here is what her nomination said:

"Hannah is a new member of the Caminos Maryland team - she joined the program in April, taking on the role of the Medical Coordinator. Since joining the Caminos team, Hannah has stepped right into her role on the Administrative team - she has worked to establish positive relationships with our external stakeholders, collaborated with LTFC parents to secure care for the youth in their homes, and has brought forward solutions to workflow challenges experienced by the program.

And even though her job requires her to spend a lot of time completing paperwork and communicating with external stakeholders, Hannah makes sure that she spends time with the kids.... sometimes even coloring on the walls while waiting for x-rays to be done (no worries, it was coloring paper)!"

Congratulations, Hannah, and thank you!

Saychelle R.—Empathy
Youth Care Professional, Baltimore

Here is what her nomination said:

"Ms. Rivers always hears the youth out. Whether In crisis or agitated. When a youth was embarrassed to come forth about an accident she had made on herself she ensured them that accident happens and suggested using the bathroom before going to bed. She hurdled help with the cleanup and made sure the child did not feel sad or embarrassed."

Congratulations, Saychelle, and thank you!

Jessica W.—Impact
Assistant Program Director, Baltimore

Here is what her nomination said:

"Jessica Weeg is the Assistant Program Director of Clinical Services for our Maryland Residential programs. She identified a problem in our Maryland Residential program that was negatively impacting our efficiency. Through her diligent and detailed efforts, she was able to ensure the needed corrections were made on all fronts."

Thank you Jess for making an impact behind the scenes to keep our systems running smoothly and correctly!

Teamwork Always:

Here at BCC, teamwork is a major contribution to the success of our organization. For our 'Teamwork Always' moment today, I would like to recognize the Program Team in Baltimore. Thank you to everyone who supported Kira’s first visit in two years with her mother. The staff in House 4 listened to Kira talk about her upcoming visit for several weeks and helped her to process her emotions. Campus Supervisor who found staff, (thank you to Ms. Crystal), to drive all the way to Cumberland to rescue us when the van broke down. Kira was able to spend 4 hours with her mother and they loved every minute.  She reconnected with her great-grandmother via Facetime while visiting with her mother. Kira will be seeing her mother weekly with their plan being reunification now pending DSS approval.

SAFETY as a mindset—We value life, spirit, and health above all else and take action to maintain the safety of our workplaces, programs, and services through a trauma responsive lens. We are personally accountable for our own safety and collectively responsible for the mental, emotional, and physical safety of our community.

Foster RELATIONSHIPS within our community—Openness and honesty with all stakeholders make for both the best program outcomes and team culture. Inclusive practices are the building blocks for trust. We create space for conversations that grow transparency about our decisions, promises, and understanding of one another.

Listen and respond with EMPATHY—Empathy will guide our programming and culture at all levels. A supportive work and program environment means valuing the voices of all people, ensuring equitable representation, and growing a desire to know and understand others. We recognize that with empathy we will better understand what type of care and encouragement to provide.

IMPACT drives lasting change—We seek to make lasting change in the lives of those we work with by providing services that are inclusive, measurable, and durable. We maximize our impact by investing in staff and board development. Feedback presents opportunity for action, which enhances and strengthens our programs and their outcomes.

Read more from Board of Child Care All Staff 8-23-2023 Core Value Award Winners