

We stand for nurturing homes that transform lives.

Everstand's treatment foster program provides safe, community-based homes for youth while they await family reunification or permanent placement. We offer comprehensive support, in partnership with our incredible foster parents, to nurture youth’s physical, emotional, mental, and behavioral well-being.

Youth of all ages enter foster care for many different reasons, and as such, their needs can be varied. Some children and teens may be experiencing behavioral challenges or working through past traumas. Some may speak different languages, embrace different cultures, or identify as LGBTQ+.

Differences aside, at the end of the day these youth all need a stable, nurturing home environment that supports the whole person: physically, emotionally, mentally, and behaviorally.

How we support foster youth.

Treatment Foster Care

Treatment Foster Care, also known as “Therapeutic Foster Care,” provide safety and stability as youth await family reunification or permanent placement.

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Respite Foster Care

Respite Foster Care provides periodic weekend or short-term care (30 days or less) to foster youth who are being served full time by another Everstand TFC family.

Become a Respite Care Parent

How you can support foster youth.

We are always looking for loving families who are able to meet the varied needs of our foster youth. We invite you to learn more about our treatment foster care program and how your home could make a meaningful difference in a young person’s life.

Become a Foster Parent


Parent Resources for Information, Development and Education (PRIDE):

PRIDE pre-service training will assist you in developing an understanding of all aspects of what you may encounter in serving a youth in treatment foster care, especially the trauma and its impact on childhood development.

Together Facing the Challenge (TFTC):

TFTC is an evidence-based program providing you with strategies for youth who display challenging behaviors while encouraging parental growth and confidence along the TFC journey.


Extensive foster parent trainings
24-Hour Support
Community Support Groups

The Brooks Family

“A kind word to a child is all that matters. So many kids need help. If we had a larger home, we would foster MORE kids. We remain grateful to BCC for this opportunity and the continuing support.”

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Interested in changing a child’s life?

We are here to help you.

Complete the form below and we’ll reach out to talk more about Foster Care at Everstand.

Foster Care Contact Form

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Everstand programs are open to any individual or family regardless of their religious beliefs.