Charlie Parker, the pioneering jazz saxophonist, once mentioned to one of his bandmates that he really liked country music. Puzzled, the band mate asked why. Parker responded “The stories, man. The stories.” The stories are the best part of graduation. The weeks leading up to graduation are full of events celebrating the successes of students. Today, we invite you to follow Charlie Parker’s example and listen to the stories of BCC graduates. Enjoy!

Many of us and the BCC staff have benefited from Aaron’s involvement with Maxine’s Café and the Breezeway Market. He has given many hours in service to the School – and provided enjoyment to his customers!
Aaron wrote about the impact of his life in terms of his accomplishment in graduating from high school. He is the second person in his family to do so. His younger siblings look up to him as a role model. He has worked hard and wants to leave a positive impact on his classmates as well as the teachers and staff he has had at Strawbridge. Aaron is someone who tries to help out whenever he can.
Aaron has been accepted to CCBC (Community College of Baltimore County) and will begin study this fall. He would like to become a Vet Technician. Over the summer he will be in the work program at BCC working in the auto shop.
In recognition of his plans to continue his education, Aaron receives a scholarship from Chase United Methodist Church. We congratulate Aaron and wish him well!