You are halfway to the goal of 40 days of positive actions and thoughts. Keep up the great effort!
This past Sunday I preached at my home church and shared about our 40 day effort in living with a commitment to positive actions and thoughts. I am learning so much myself each day and I appreciate each one of you who have taken the pledge of positivity.
From the Christian tradition, I would like to share a portion of the scripture lesson we used on Sunday in worship:
If anything is excellent and
if anything is admirable,
focus your thoughts on these things:
all that is true,
all that is holy,
all that is just,
all that is pure,
all that is lovely,
and all that is worthy of praise.
Practice these things …
The God of peace will be with you.
Philippians 4:8-9, Common English Bible
I am grateful that we have today – another opportunity for kindness and for positive actions and thoughts embodying our core values of safety and integrity. More to come …
Peace to you this day as you strive to be kind to yourself and kind to others