The Brooks Family: The Heart of Treatment Foster Care Parents
The Brooks both came of age in Calvert County within families amidst priceless childhood gifts of love, nature, food, laughter, faith, and family constructing their generous spirits. They remained connected to Calvert County while attending college, building solid careers in education, marriage and then as parents, raising their own family of four. Their four children are now adults, and the Brooks’ generous spirits wished to do more.
“Always wanted to do it!” said Mr. and Mrs. Brooks as they reflected on deciding to become foster parents. Mrs. Brooks can recall the exact day, in fact, in the Spring of 2012 when their journey began. “I was driving and caught the BCC sign out of the corner of my eye. And, a voice whispered to me, this is the place.”
The Brooks family has fostered four kids with BCC – both short term respite and longer term Treatment Foster Care placements. “It has taught me humility and how to listen, really listen to a kid. BCC’s trainings gave us the tools to be successful,” said Mr. Brooks.
“A kind word to a child is all that matters. So many kids need help. If we had a larger home, we would foster MORE kids,” said Mr. and Mrs. Brooks. “We remain grateful to BCC for this opportunity and the continuing support.”
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