On behalf of the Spiritual Life Team I would like to invite all of you to participate in the 40 Days of Positive Actions and Thoughts campaign!

I will practice being kind to others as well as to myself.
Everyone is encouraged to increase the positivity in our individual lives and across BCC. We will work together over the next forty days (not counting Sundays) to embody our core values of safety, integrity, empathy and impact. Please join us by taking your pledge of positivity!
I make a commitment to strive for positivity in my life for the next 40 days.
All members of the BCC community are invited to make this commitment. Attached you will find a calendar to keep track of your actions. You can write in each day what you do or check it off or place a sticker or color it in – however you want to record how you live out your commitment for each day. The 40 Days begins on Wednesday, March 6.
Feel free to adapt the chart and use it with your family and friends at home or the young people you work with here.
In order to encourage our BCC youth to participate and provide concrete incentives, we suggest that you tie the pledge of positivity in with our PBIS programs already in place. You may reward positive actions with “behavior bucks” as appropriate.
At the end of the 40 days, we will have opportunities to celebrate our commitment to positivity. Please look for the invitations from our Spiritual Life team.
Along the way, we will be supporting our collective efforts through spiritual life programming and weekly emails with specific suggestions on how to implement positive living. Your actions will make an impact within the entire BCC community and beyond.
Make the commitment – take the pledge – and let’s live and act in a spirit of positivity!
With gratitude from BCC’s Spiritual Life Team:
West Virginia Spiritual Life Coordinator – Mr. Aaron Andrews
Baltimore Spiritual Life Coordinator – Ms. Lakia Johnson
Denton – Pastor John Allen
PA – Pastor Bobby Jones
WV – Ms. Barbara Byers, Substance Abuse Treatment Director
Rev. Stacey Nickerson, Director of Church and Community Engagement