I have been reading My Spiritual Journey by The Dalai Lama and have found lots of inspiration and challenge from this spiritual leader and Buddhist monk. Meditating on his writing is helping me to increase my capacity for the practice of compassion for others and myself.
Here is a prayer offered by His Holiness the Dalai Lama:
I pray for a more loving human family. Even when I meet a stranger each time I have the same feeling: “He is another member of my human family.” Such an attitude deepens my affection and respect for all beings.
May this natural loving-kindness become my small contribution to world peace!
I pray for a world that is more friendly, more loving, and for a better understanding among the human family, on this planet.
That is the appeal I make from the bottom of my heart to all those who hate suffering and cherish lasting happiness.
Will you join me in this prayer and to a commitment to increase our practice of compassion?
P.S. This prayer was part of our Centering Moment today at the Senior Leadership Team meeting. Please feel free to share it with those around you – including colleagues and the young people with whom we work. Blessings!